Thought Questions

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Why do I feel anxious, what can help me?

There are so many different situations that give me anxious thoughts? What cn I do?

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Thought, what is it? Speed of light, what is it?

Everything travels at the speed of light, EVEN THOUGHT. Is this a true statement? Everything is made of light? Is this a true story? Matter can ...

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Should I send her a knock knock joke?

I’ve been ghosted and so I’m gonna text her and I thought I could send her a knock knock joke

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How do I get over my obsessive thoughts?

Okay so. I am a 19 yo female and I am a Christian I know God loves me and Jesus died for every one of my sins I know this. Yet My ...

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I wish to get a loan?

I wish to get a loan? I thought that I have to take a payday loan but my friend told that these loans are unsecured loans. Please make me know the ...

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A thought has puzzled me for a long time, Did God create the earth or just the "Garden of Eden"?

Quiz me... "Why?" if, God made the only two humans on Earth, ...

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How do I convince my dad to get me a kitten?

My mom is A-okay with it. That is SO cool, I thought SHE'D be the tough one. My dad, though, well, he grew up with cat ...

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What should I do my cousin loves me and want to marry with me?

he is 29 and i am 25.he is my mothers brothers son, and he loves me a lot from his adulthood.his love is ...

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