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Can a retarded person with IQ score of 0 to 69 be smart enough to use darkweb to trackdown someone?

Can a retarded person with IQ score of 0 to 69 be smart enough to go on the darkweb to track down someone by cellphone or address

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Why is it so dangerous to throw garbage on train tracks?

know about throwing a garbage on train track why is so dangerous?

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What are some effective ways for individuals to track and understand their impact on climate change?

What are some effective ways for individuals to track and understand their impact on climate change?

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Do retainers make you less attractive?

I have retainers and then getting train tracks this year! But i dont know if it will put my crush of me if he does like me. Please ...

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Why am I slow?

Last year I was new to running and I was really good. I did a 19 minute 5k. Now, I struggle to run in the 20s and my mile time is like 20 seconds off my PR ...

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I am legally blind but desperately want to golf. is there a way for me to golf and track my ball?

Basically do they make a tracking device easy to use so I can hit my ...

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