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What are some excuses to not go swimming?

Whts up, I'm in 6th grade and my mom is really over protective and my class is going to a 3 day field trip and they have ...

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Where to travel for 2-3 weeks HURRY PLEASE?

the country needs to be cheap/1.0 USD = 1.2+ of other about 15 days worth of stuff to do for hours at a time(museums tourist ...

16 answers | | Open

What is a good place to go on vacation and have fun?

Some friends and i just graduated high school and are wanting a "one last time" trip and wanted to go ...

13 answers | 1 star | Open

Hi I order stuff on tilly's on friday and it free shipping and its fedex smartpost so how long?

... will it take to get the stuff because i need it by monday night for ...

3 answers | 1 star | Open

My class is doing a school trip and I need $550. I need fundraiser ideas?

I need fundraisers to earn money for this trip. Like A Bake Sale.

4 answers | | Open

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