Vegetable Questions

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Trying to remember the name of a salad. It was full of chopped vegetables, the name was one word?

Years ago I had a salad at a town picnic. I remember it was full of chopped vegetables and was one word.

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Jorge is using this box garden to plant his vegetables this year.What does jorge need to know to?

... ensure that the box garden is a square ? Explain Please help me I want a good great but also because im confused

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Frozen mixed vegetables?

Please tell us about the origin of frozen mixed vegetables. Why did three types of carrots, corn and green peas come to be used? Where was the first ...

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Which fruits and vegetables should be eaten regularly to get vitamins?

name the vitamins available

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Plants are living things right..but why as a vegetarian eat vegetables?It also a living thing?

A non-vege is eating by kill other living things.A vegetarian eating ...

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If I only eat fruits, vegetables, and pasta for 3 weeks, will I lose a lot of weight ?

im 16, and overweight and im scared to stick my toothbrush down my throat so i ...

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