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I want my bf to wear thongs/g strings but he thinks its gay its gay, why and how is it gay?

he is really muscular and sexy with a nice toned ass, and would look amazing ...

26 answers | | Open

How can I be more attractive?

i have layerd tick long black hair i wear skinny jeans every day i only wear shirts please dont make me wear a dress or say anything about ...

12 answers | | Open

Is it okay to ask my girlfriend to wear pantyhose?

I am a 21 years old man who has 19 years old girlfriend. I love her because she is a kind girl and I love her because ...

6 answers | | Open

What are the best shoes to wear if you don’t own non slip shoes?

I got a job in a cafe and they suggested non slip shoes but I cannot afford to buy any before my first ...

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