Wondering Questions

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I'd like to know the frugal methods you all use on a regular basis?

I live in Japan. I've recently become interested in frugal techniques, and I'm wondering if people around the world know ways to save money ...

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How do I get my boobs and butt to grow fast?

Ok so I'm 13 but my boobs and butt are very small. So I was wondering if anyone knows a fast way that is sure to work to ...

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Weight loss?

I am over weight and want to loss weight, I was wondering how other people loss weight.

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Is the manga Fairy Tail appropriate for a 10 going into 11 year old?

I am a ten year old boy and I have read, and watched a bunch on Fairy Tail. My parents are wondering ...

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What is your opinion of this username?

I have this username and it is miphzihau. I was wondering if this was a good name to choose. I chose it because it was my name on ...

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What is the difference between a carnival and a fair?

I was just wondering is a carnival and a fair the same thing, are they just synonyms or is there a difference ...

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