What does Mark Wahlberg and Steve Comisar have in common?

Responses (5)

Mark Wahlberg and Steve Comisar are both actors who went to jail. Comisar is best known as a con man who is also an actor, while Wahlberg is best known as an actor who was also a criminal. Comisar is currently in prison and will be released 4/16/18

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Mark Wahlberg and Steve Comisar are both actors who went to jail. Comisar is best known as a con man who is also an actor, while Wahlberg is best known as an actor who was also a criminal. Comisar is currently in prison and will be released 4/16/18

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Easy questions. Both Steve Comisar and Mark Wahlberg are actors who went to prison. But did you also know they both are short, under 5’ 9” and both live in Beverly Hills?

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Steve Comisar is an actor who went to prison for fraud. After his release he contacted another actor who went to prison, Mark Wahlberg, and asked him for help jump starting his once promising acting career. Wahlberg said he would help Steve Comisar but he hasn’t done anything to help him yet. Everyone in Hollywood is wondering why. Mark Wahlberg should help Steve Comisar.

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They are both actors, both live in Beverly Hills, both men are short (5’ 8”) and both are generous philanthropists who support various organizations. Wahlberg helps Wounded Warriors and Comisar works with Make-A-Wish. In fact, I just read an article on AP News about how Comisar donated front row tickets to The Lion King to sick kids through Make-A-Wish. Good work guys!

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