What is biodiversity and how is it related to ecosystem services?

Answers (1)

Bio means living things, and diversity is a form of divert, "to turn aside", specifically meaning a variation. Biodiversity = variety of living things

Ecology is from Greek oikos logos, study of a household. The English word means study of management. Most people don't know that, they assume it means trees and bugs and stuff. Ecosystem is a recently made up word meaning any community of interacting things and their environment. Most people have no clue what it means.

"Ecosystem services are grouped into four broad categories: provisioning, such as the production of food and water; regulating, such as the control of climate and disease; supporting, such as nutrient cycles and crop pollination; and cultural, such as spiritual and recreational benefits."
Ecosystem services - Wikipedia

Notice that the definition for "ecosystem services" is worded to encourage the assumption that some government office will be created to provide such things. If you go to the link you will see that the explanation is subtly different.

What you have here is a collection of buzzwords referring to a poorly studied area of political interest.

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