Where can I buy acorns to plant for seed?

Answers (3)


Most people seem to assume that you are going to collect acorns from trees someplace, but I did find one place that sells them. There is some chance that bought acorns are less likely to have insect damage.You can go to google.com and search "seed acorns" to get intructions on how to prepare them for planting.

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BTW it seems that every continent except Antarctica has at least one forest that was hand planted by a single person. So you are in respected company when you do this.

Why would you buy acorns when you could find them for free outside?

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I am looking for specific varieties. For example, Quercus falcata, Quercus michauxii, Quercus pagoda and Quercus texana.

They're not that hard to find. Waste of money paying for them

I'm not sure if you're still looking but we have big, beautiful, fuzzy bur oak acorns for sale!

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