Hi when i turned 19 in october i got taken off my mom's health insurance and have been to the emergency room 3 times due to panic attacks and chest pain. Anyway, as you can imagine I have a lot of bills to pay now. Im normally not one that needs alot of medical attention, i go to my doc about twice a year or 3 times at the most for asthma but because of my recent ER visits I think i should choose a plan with a low deductible and then change plans when this one ends (if possible). I found a plan that is $102/month (after premium tax credits) with a $250 deductible and $100 copay before deductible for ER with no charge on primary doc or drugs. I found another thats $86 with a $450 deductible $5 on drugs, $10 for specialist and $1 for primary doc and it says "20% co insurance after deductible" for the ER part. There are more plans to choose from but these 2 are the ones that caught my attention the most. WhIch one do you think i should choose from? Thanks