... eye but at the same time I'm a little scared. People are saying bad things will happen to me. But how is the third eye even bad if God gave it to us? And why is it that you have to be completely healthy to activate it but the government is putting fluoride in our water which can give us diseases. The fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. Which fluoride is bad for you. Wouldn't that make you think if being unhealthy is what closes your pineal gland that means that it is bad? If eating healthy and being a healthy person activates your third eye then that has to mean it's good? God doesn't want us to be unhealthy eating cookies all day. Wouldn't he rather us to be healthy? In order to be completely healthy than your third eye would just naturally open. How is being healthy bad then? But it seems like some Christian think it's better to have your third eye closed. If they think that then they must be promoting unhealthy eating habits that can cause serious illnesses right? Being healthy activates your third eye so it seems to me that the third eye has to be good. Your body is the tempel of God. Wasn't Jesus's third eye open? In his time there wasn't any fluoride in water so his pineal gland must have been activated. This makes me question everything? Obviously the pineal gland is good for you if eating healthy activates it and we all know eating healthy is good. Oh supposedly the third eye is bad. Isn't it weird that fluoride and bunch of other bad stuff closes your third eye? Fluoride is bad and it's hurting the pineal gland. Eating healthy heals the pineal gland so therefore activating the third eye must be good. How is it bad if eating healthy and being a healthy person activates it? I don't think some people know much about stuff at all cause they don't seem to think outside the box. God gave us a pineal gland and we aren't supposed to use it? Then why even give it to us? I feel like a lot of Christians are brainwashed. The Bible has been rewritten so many times. Who knows what's real. I believe some stuff in the Bible but I don't believe everything. I wish I knew the answers. Also the Christians that are healthy and see angels what if their pineal gland is open but they just don't know it. After all your body is the tempel of God and being healthy is a good thing so your pineal gland is opened because your body is the tempel of God