Why does education is important in our lifes?

Answers (11)

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Because it prevents stupidity (hint-hint) *cough* *cough* like you

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For you to become knowledgeable enough in every aspect of your life. Things might change and fast face of our life but still you have your knowledge in you that cannot be taken away by anybody. You can transfer it to you future children, to anybody! Always remember knowledge is power.

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Education is an important part of life right from the start as with the help of education you can secure your future as a well educated person never fails in his life.

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It is really important as to become a successful person in future you need to have education so that you could get a respectable job in future through education.

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1. An educated capture to understand a different point of view than the uneducated person.

2. Education is a holistic process and continues through of our life.

3. Education helps us to gain knowledge so that we are able to get suitable employment at a later stage.

4. Education makes a worthy contribution to our lives.


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all of us know a knowledgeble person is better than a person who do not have knowledge .
So education is processes in which u r getting knowledge about topics..in proper squence and specified rules

On other hand getting knowledge from ur own cannot be called eduction because it does not have proper process or specifed squence..

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Education give you the judgemental capability and to think rationally.

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Education gives us knowledge of the world around us and changes it into something better. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on things in life.

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The importance of education is evident. It broadens our horizons, helps us to develop our values. We get an essential part of life experience through education and grow as a person. Also, we learn how to make judgments and prove our point.

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Education, in all its forms, is important to every human being. Those who are uneducated suffer from ignorance and prejudice, which can only lead to a wasted life. People with a high level of education tend to make better choices, such as choosing to live healthy lives and help other people. They are more likely to work in a wider variety of careers, have more job opportunities, and earn higher salaries. Education has been proven to correlate with a higher standard of living and a longer lifespan.

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