Why have employers added so many jobs just recently? Is there that much more work?

Answers (1)

It is very annoying to try to teach about reality when the public schools and news sources diligently teach bullsnot.

Reality is employers only hire when they have work to be done, and they only pay enough to attract the type of workers who will bring them an adequate profit. The USA became the greatest nation on the planet with that philosophy, not even following it all the time.

In recent years another philosophy has taken over, that employers should be subject to political ambitions, they can and should hire lots of people and pay them much more than the profits they produce would justify, and foreign workers should be excluded. It doesn't matter how you discuss this topic, reality always wins.

I suggest you go to fee.org and study the free materials until you understand this process. mises.org is another excellent source of learning, and they also offer formal classes.

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