With economic conditions in mind. where is the best place to build a factory? China,UK,or Brazil?

Answers (1)

Interesting question. I'd rule out the UK immediately. There is no zoning you could build on from fresh so you'd be looking at brownfield sites only (and all the problems that engenders).

So it's between China and Brazil, and it's a very complex question. As a quickly developing quasi-capitalism, China is ripe for making or losing a lot of money very quickly, which isn't the case for more established economic systems. However Brazil might provide more stability.

I guess it all depends on the level of risk you're willing to accept.

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better to start a factory at China as they have a widen market all over the world. and the commodity im going to produce will get market faster. also there some factors such as peace, rate of demand and supply, favourable climatic condition etc