Which religion is the right one? and why?

Answers (44)

If you are truly searching for the True Religion, you need to examine what the religion teaches. There are many out there that claim to be the right one.

Ask yourself these questions:
1. Which religion uses God's name?
2. Which religion follows closely the Bible principles?
3. Which religion teaches the Good News of Gods Kingdom?

To help you find the answers you can look on

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I have searched for the one right religion, and I am still searching. The one right religion would be the one that follows His ways and His days. So far, no religions that I have researched do either of these.
I did come across some information at www.illuminationtotheway.com. I hope that it proves to be helpful to you in your search.

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You are right there is no religion that perfectly follow the holy writings. That's the fact that none of us is perfect. So can imperfect people be perfect in everything ? No its impossible. But if you look into the religion that's trying to follow bible principles as closely as possible you will find the only religion that's really living close to bible principles as possible, are Jehovah's Witnesses.Which religion is teaching people about God's name and the person behind that name? Please visit JW.org and go to the search bar and put in any question or concern you may have and it will be answered exactly from the bible. Or contact me again and we could have a more deep conversation about the only true religion.

I would like to recommend you download the free book "What Does the Bible Really Teach" at Jw.org
I hope it helps in your search!

There are so many religious beliefs, and all of them claim it is in the same god. However if it is true that God created us, Wouldn't he want to be worshiped or believed in according to his way of thinking and not ours? Wouldn't he also have it written down some where how to do just that.
Therefore, if we want God’s approval, we need to ask ourselves: What does God say about himself? How does he want to be worshiped? What are his purposes, and how should we fit in with them? An accurate knowledge of the truth gives us the right answers to such questions. Then we can worship God on his terms.
I found this website helpful. www.jw.org

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By studying the Bible, you can identify the only true religion that Jesus spoke about. (Ephesians 4:5)
Their beliefs and their conduct work along with Bible principles. (Matt 7:16, 17)
All teachings are directly from the Bible not human views or traditions. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17; 1 Thess. 2:13; John 17:17)
Worship only Jehovah and make His name known. (Matt. 4:10; Psalm 83:18; John 17:6)
Genuine unselfish love for each other; as well as all people. (John 13:35; Col.3:14; 1 John 3:10-12; 4:20, 21; Gal. 6:10)
Accept Jesus as God's means of salvation. (Acts 4:12; Matt 20:28; John 3:36)
Preach God's kingdom is mankind's only hope for mankind as Jesus did. (Matt. 24:14; Psalm 146:3; Matt. 6:10; Daniel 2:44; Revelation 16:14; 19:19-21)

Isaiah 43:10-12

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The religion that's following:
!)The command at Matthew 24:14,"this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations,and then the end will come."
Which religion on earth is carrying out this command to the fullest?
Jehovah's Witnesses is the only religion that preach the good news of God's Kingdom to all sorts of people regardless of race or status.
2) Psalms 83:18,"May people know that you,whose name is Jehovah,You alone are the Most High over all the earth."
God wants people to know the one who is the Most High over all the earth have a name. Jehovah's Witnesses are the only ones that helping people see from the bible that the Most High have a name and wants people to use it. Does not that makes sense. You have a name, I have a name and every one else have a name. So should not the one who created us have a name also? He wants us to identify him by his name.
3) The importance of using the entire bible as God's word.
Jehovah's Witnesses based their preaching and teaching solely on God's Word the entire bible.
These are just three reasons why Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true religion on the earth. There are also many other scriptures to prove this.

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Consider the practices and teachings of first-century Christians:

▪ They looked to God’s Word as their guide.—2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21.
▪ They taught that Jesus was God’s Son, distinct from God himself and subordinate to Him.—1 Corinthians 11:3; 1 Peter 1:3.
▪ They taught that the dead will return to life by means of a future resurrection.—Acts 24:15.
▪ They were known overall for the love that prevailed among themselves.—John 13:34, 35.
▪ They did not worship merely as individuals but were organized into congregations and were united under overseers and a central body of elders that looked to Jesus as Head.—Acts 14:21-23; 15:1-31; Ephesians 1:22; 1 Timothy 3:1-13.
▪ They were zealous preachers of God’s Kingdom as mankind’s only hope.—Matthew 24:14; 28:19, 20; Acts 1:8.

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Islam is the right one

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There are many different religions all around the world. The five most popular are Christianity, Hinduism, Budhism, Jadaism, and Islamic. That doesn't mean those are the only ones, there is also Atheism and many more. Everyone who believes in their own religion will deny any other religion because to them, it's not true. We can't judge them, because we do the same thing. Religion is very serious to the person who believes in it. I'll tell you what religion I believe in. The most accurate, because it was the first-Christianity.

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When searching for the true religion you need to verify all the facts for yourself. Do research and see for yourself what is true. You can do research at Jw.org and by downloading the free app you can compare different Bible translations. When you are reflecting on what the true religion is you can also ask yourself... If all people were this religion what would our world be like? For one... Do they believe in and support war? If so, is that showing true love for your neighbor as well as love your enemy as Jesus quoted. There is scientifc evidence that the Bible is true and you can read or watch free videos at the website.

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The Bible says there is only one faith, one God and one baptism. (Ep. 4:4,5) The Bible also tells us the things to look for in the true religion. Love among the members and love toward others is one of the main criteria. The true religion teaches the truth of the Bible. Not philosophies of men. It also encourages people to read the Bible daily and meditate on it. If you have a question, find out the answer. Don't take a answer from someone who says you have to have faith and then gives you no answer. Question your religious leaders ask them why they teach what they teach. Also ask them if they believe what they teach is true. Many do not. It is your responsibility to find the truth. Not there's. An example is the Trinity, Immortal Soul and hellfire doctrines. Ask for proof from the Bible. Do some background research of these false doctrines too. We are to seek the truth of God's word like we would seek a vast treasure. Remember that Satan is the ruler of the world for now according to Jesus. So he uses people's religion, governments and commercial world to influence people to go against God's teachings, Above all scrutinize what you are told. jw.org

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Think. Why would there be so many different religions, if any of them was the right one. There are so many, because people didn't have any other way to understand what really happened. Humans did not just magically appear on this planet one day, and we are far from being what we need to be. The fact that we are still gullible, easily lead, and think we are superior, proves my point.

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A religion that bears God's name, obeys his commands and adheres to the congregational model set by Jesus Christ before the apostasy.

A religion that unitedly teaches God's word the Bible worldwide and advocates theocratic government.

A religion whose members are persecuted and most despised because it is not "of this world". (John 17:16; 18:36)

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All religions are good, all religions teach us to pray to God. All religions teach us to live a good life. Unfortunately, what we don't realize is that religion is only like a kindergarten. Just like we start with kindergarten but we go beyond kindergarten, to university, so also we have to go beyond religion. We have to go to the university called spirituality. Spirituality is not another religion, we don't have to change our religion, we have to go beyond religion, because then only will we realize God in the temple of our heart.

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When we are looking for the right relgion we must must make sure it agrees with the Bible.

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