Forgive me for the length of my question. I know there are many questions like mine but, given my situation, I feel as though I need a more specific answer from someone who maybe is more experienced in their atheism and telling people.

I was raised in a very strict Pentecostal family as the granddaughter of pastors and music leaders on both sides of my family. As a child I fully believed in god, as I was brainwashed to do so, and kept my faith throughout my childhood. Despite the fact that I was abused by my father figure, I remained a Christian, simply because I was sort of brainwashed into believing from birth. When my mother divorced my father and the abuse stopped, I started to look back and try to figure out why god would have allowed that to happen to me and many others.

Now, as a 16 year old, I have been studying all religions trying to figure out what the truth was. About a year ago I came to the realization that there is no god; or at least, not one that an organized religion believes in. A couple months later, I realized that my belief had a term: atheism. Ever since, I have been a very devout atheist, but am still studying religions and science to validate my ideas.

Last month I decided to tell my mother that I was an atheist, who later told my grandmother. The sight wasn't pretty. They both ganged up on me and told me how I was "going to hell" and that it is "just a phase" and that I'm just "being rebellious." Ever since, the two have forced their religion down my throat and force me to attend church services regularly, where I must still pretend to be the "perfect pastor's granddaughter" even though they know it is not my belief.

I want to tell my whole family that I am an atheist, so that they will not force religion down my throat. How should I tell them? Should I even tell them?