Results for 'Life People Evil Serendipity Wonder Type Awe Question'

Have murderers and rapists ("evil"people) ever experienced awe, wonder, serendipity, etc in their?

... life? have they ever been interviewed for these types of questions?

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: life, people, evil, serendipity, wonder, type, awe, question

2001 movie Serendipity?

Does anyone know what Sara Thomas, the main characters job was in the movie? and what her friend Eve was?

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: friend, serendipity, 2001, movie, job, character, sara, friends, movies, eve, fan

Should I or not?

should I break up with my bf because he have been acting fake like he took me to the mall and I was like awe that's sweet I love you and all ...

Posted 3+ months 3 answers

Related support groups: sweet, break, love, fake, mall, acting, awe, break up

If you say something to a girl thats all sweet and they say "Awe that's so cute" is that bad?

Title says it all

Posted 3+ months 2 answers 1 star

Related support groups: girl, cute, sweet, title, awe, girls, bad

Why are black people evil. Why are they inherently evil and digusting?

Both genders are evil and digsuting. Why weren't they exterminated instead of Jewish people

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: black, jewish, people, evil, gender

If someone wished death on a pet (in an evil way), would it die or is God in control of all that?

Like, an evil spirit would curse it and it would die? Would God not allow something so bad and evil like that to happen? Wouldn't God protect ...

Posted 3+ months 2 answers

Related support groups: pet, death, protect, god, evil, spirit, bad, curse

I have a deep question. Why survive humanity if we're evil? Let's say everyone turned evil. Why?

I would still survive humanity, but why would be a question.

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: evil, deep, humanity, question

Books - What's the name of that book?

Actually, it's a trilogy. It's about these people who colonize this planet. Only problem is there's something dark and evil there. ...

Posted 3+ months 0 answers

Related support groups: people, dark, book, evil, planet, problem, planets, books, name

Do you think people would read a book where evil wins?

in almost every book i read good always wins curiouse if people would read a book where evil wins? want to write a book just trying to be creative.

Posted 3+ months 3 answers

Related support groups: people, book, read, evil, creative, write, every, always, good, books

I have blood type of AB +ve, but my dad has O blood type and my mom AB blood type, is it right?

I have blood type of AB +ve, but my dad has O blood type and my mom has AB blood type I am puzzle because I have learned biology that parent with O ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: mom, dad, blood, puzzle, right, parent, type, biology, parents

As a scientist, I have a strong disbelief in the existence of God. However, one thing?

makes me wonder. Would life be fair if there's no heaven and hell? Wouldn't you agree that kids' rapists, murderers and warlords ...

Posted 3+ months 1 answer

Related support groups: life, fair, heaven, kid, god, wonder, hell, strong, existence, kids, scientist, gods

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