OK, so about a week ago i was sitting at the kitchen table early one morning and my little brother Jeffrey comes in and he says Arnold can i have some moatmeal? *Oatmeal he means* and i said sure so i made it for him and then i sat him on a stool and then i heard a bang and Jeffrey was on the floor and he whimpered. then he screamed bloody murder and then i got scared that my parents were going to get angry at me so i said "ok Jeffrey youre gonna be ok" and he kept on screaming his bloody 5-year-old head off and then my mom and dad stormed in and then my mom thought i did it and i said no i didn't mom it was jeffrey on his own and my mom shrieked because a little drop of blood dripped onto the floor and then it turned into some kind of geser or soething and then my mom took Jeff to the hospital (EM) and then when they got home i gave a Tic Tac to Jeffrey and then when he tried to pop it into his mouth, he threw up on my sneakers. Jeffrey then ran to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet and the sink and then i got worried it was my fault i wasnt watching him what do i do!