Why do people still need a god?

Responses (4)

its basically to have a belief in the lord and they do this to worship to help familys work out their beliefs help others believe to find out who really gives back they feel the lord has done alot for us to heal us to bring you from the bottom to the top to give back they believe he helps them he takes car of us as his kids and his followers to help others find him and to have a relationship with him

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The bible tells us that humans were created with a spiritual need ( Mathew 5:3 ). It also tells us that people will most often try to satisfy that need in the way they personally chose. ( 2 Timothy 4:3,4 ). Because of this there are now millions of "gods" being worshiped throughout the world. Yet all these gods cannot be the only true God who created humans and this beautiful earth for us to live on. The question that I have for you is this, do you feel that YOU personally need God? If so than why not search for him.(1 chronicles 28:9). A Web site that I often find helpful is jw.org. Click on bible teachings at the top of home page then click on bible questions answered, scroll through the questions until you find one that interests you.

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They don't.

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People need God because without God life is meaningless. What is life if there is no God? We live and we die, we are like machines, like a table and chair. God is the Creator. God is the power that is everywhere. God is the very power that makes our heart beat. God is the Soul. We don't realize that we are not this body and mind, we are the Divine, the Soul. Therefore, instead of questioning why people need God, people need to realize we are God, we are not this, we are that. This is what the ancient scriptures say - that the kingdom of God is within you, that you are a manifestation of the Divine, and to realize this truth, we need the grace of God, just as we need the guidance of a Guru, a spiritual master. Therefore, we must never underestimate the importance of God, we must yearn for God till we realize God.

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