First version:

A spotlight on each person. I can't see their faces but I know them. I cannot move. The hooded figure places a blade in front of each person....they start to cry. They can't see the figure. They pick up the blades....i try move but I can't the figure laughs. The people start to cut themselves. The figure laughs more. I cry... The figure says "where's your smile Eclipse?" And everyone dies...the figure says "why didn't you help!?" I wake up

Second version:

A spotlight on a girl in front of me...... I cannot move. The hooded figure places a blade in front of her and she starts to cry. She can't see the figure... She picks up the blade....i try move but I can't, the figure laughs. She starts to cut herself. The figure laughs more. I cry... The figure says "where's your smile Eclipse?" my horror..she dies...the figure says "why didn't you help!?"....i wake up in tears...

Most latest version is a hanging in front of a church and I still can't move.