Are the ancient Egyptian gods real? If you have any experiences with them then PLEASE let me know!?

Answers (2)

You don't have to read many pages in history to realize that the sky above the Earth looked very different just a few thousand years ago. You might wonder why the ancients named their god after a planet that most people now can't even point to. Well, they were quite explicit about that: they didn't worship gods named for planets, they worshiped the planets. In ancient days, Jupiter and Saturn dominated the sky, and Venus and Mars put on quite a show for a long time.

Here is a careful investigation of ancient myths and legends, considering stories in hundreds of languages from all over the world and going back to 10,500 BC. It is very long, and it is still in progress.

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The gods and goddesses worshiped by the Egyptians give evidence of an underlying earlier heritage.
Origin of Gods and Goddesses. The striking similarity readily observable when comparing the gods and goddesses of ancient peoples can hardly be attributed to chance. Concerning this, J. Garnier writes: “Not merely Egyptians, Chaldeans, Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans, but also the Hindus, the Buddhists of China and of Thibet, the Goths, Anglo-Saxons, Druids, Mexicans and Peruvians, the Aborigines of Australia, and even the savages of the South Sea Islands, must have all derived their religious ideas from a common source and a common centre. Everywhere we find the most startling coincidences in rites, ceremonies, customs, traditions, and in the names and relations of their respective gods and goddesses.”—The Worship of the Dead, London, 1904, p. 3.

The mythological accounts portray the Egyptian deities as having human weaknesses and imperfections. They were said to have experienced anguish and fright and repeatedly found themselves in peril. However, some of these were sacred in one part of Egypt and not in another, this, at times, even resulting in the outbreak of civil wars.

The deities that have been and still are worshiped by the nations are human creations, the products of imperfect, “empty-headed” men, who “turned the glory of the incorruptible God into something like the image of corruptible man and of birds and four-footed creatures and creeping things.” (Romans 1:21-23)

Habakkuk 2:18,19 says this about these and other gods, "Of what benefit is a carved image When its maker has carved it? Of what benefit is a metal statue and a teacher of lies, Even though its maker trusts in it, Making worthless gods that are speechless?  Woe to the one who says to a piece of wood, “Awake!” Or to a speechless stone, “Wake up! Instruct us!” Look! It is overlaid in gold and silver, And there is no breath at all within it".

From the Bible's standpoint it is giving worship to “the god of this system of things.”
(2 Corinthians 4:4) Satan, who it says, “has blinded the minds of the unbelievers.”
Not only do the false gods have the characteristics of their makers, but people also become much like the gods whom they worship. The worshipful adoration that men direct toward their idol-gods actually goes “to demons, (defiant angels) and not to God." 1 Corinthians 10:20

The Bible further says, “all the gods of the peoples are valueless gods; but as for Jehovah, he has made the very heavens.”—Ps 96:5.
Giving our worship to the creation rather then the Creator is like a direct slap in the face to the only True God, Jehovah, Psalms 83:18.

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