I will try to make this as brief as I possibly can but here's my situation. I have a mother in law who is both physically handicapped and mentally unable to care for herself without someone with her. My husband and I have been married for 8 years now, we live in Maryland and have always worked full time jobs but about 3 years ago my mother in law started getting increaseingly worse. She lives with her sister who for the most part was able to care for her full time. My husband and I would help out as much as our work schedules would allow. By the way my husband is a only child. This past year my husband's aunt has become unable to care for her like she use to due to her failing health. So the demand on my husband and I tripled these past few years to the point were we were both so run down, stressed, and sleep deprived we were both becoming physically and mentally strained. Our jobs were suffering because of our situation as well. My husband had to take off so much that he was told he either needed to make other arrangements for his mother or they would have to get somebody else in his place. My mother in law is unable to afford to hire someone to be with her and putting her in a home is out of the question. I had become very unhappy at my job but could not afford to quit so we had decided that I would quit my job and my mother in law would pay what she could afford each month to be there to care for her. This arrangement had worked out wonderful!!! We have all been very happy and my mother in law hasn't been doing this well in years. I have really enjoyed caring for her!!! Not only do I care for her I also help my husband's aunt as needed. My husband and I have had to make some cut backs but it's been so worth it. Unfortunately we have recently come to descover that some scam people took advantage of my mother in laws mental state and whipped our her bank account. She is no longer able to pay me anything. We're just not able to make it on just my husbands income alone. There is nobody else able to care for my mother in law in the family if I have to return to work. I love taking care of her and she loves having me with her and with her mental state she will not do well with a strange person trying to care for her so if anyone knows of anyway I could receive any type of pay to care for her through federal grants or anything like that. I really want to continue being her caregiver. We would be more then grateful. PLEASE HELP US!!!!