Can a 19 year-old aunt receive custody of her 14 year-old niece and 12 year-old nephew?

Answers (2)

i thinkshe is too young.

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Trust me.....she is years beyond her age......

What means of support do you have,

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I plan on having a job and going to college so I will be getting financial aid and a monthly pay check. Also my father fought in Vietnam so I have benefits because he was injured. Some of these benefits include, going to college either extremely reduced or for free, I also plan on having scholarships because of good grades, AP classes, and many extra curricular activities (sports, clubs, ect.). Also among the benefits are a monthly allowance of approximately $400 a month.

My reason for doing this is because I see the parents as being very irresponsible and not giving the kids the attention they so obviously want, and need. They are great kids and will be older by the time I'm 18 or 19 (roughly 15 and 13) so they wont need me to hold their hand. I know you are probably wandering how I will have time to spend time with them and take care of them but I assure you, I have a plan. Going to school full time means taking only four classes, so I can go to school while they are at school then we can all do homework together at home. I could get a job either at the college before or after classes or I could get a job at a near by restaurant or coffee house near campus.

I really care a lot about these kids and need to see them safe and happy. I don't want to go into detail of what is exactly the issue is but lets just say that my whole inspiration for doing this is because of a very serious event that has occurred recently and I am to the point that I can't stand their parents stupidity. I am aware and prepared that I will be a parent (in a way) to these children, but you have to understand that I already feel like I have been taking care of these kids and watching over them their whole lives and would do anything for them. By the time I graduate college they will be old enough to move out and be on their own so once they move out and I graduate, then I can live my life.

I know this may ruin my relationship with their parents but that is just a chance I have to take. I will of course give the parents a chance to fix their mistakes and since I don't graduate high school until next year they do have a lot of time to turn things around. I want you to know that this is a WORST CASE SENARIO. If the kids still feel in danger and want to come live with me, it's their choice and I will of course fight for them till the end. I know that it will be difficult and possibly ruin my relationship with my family but if I don't fight for them and they get hurt, I will never forgive myself.