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Are the greek gods and goddesses real?

i am 13 years old and have read all the books by rick riordan. i was wonderng if the gods in the greek mythology where real. i am ...

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Girls - is it Ok for a 16 year old boy to date a 14 years old girl?

im a 16 year old boy and i recently got into an relationship with a 14 year old girl.. i know 2 years ...

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Help me remember what this old candy is!?

Trying to remember an old candy. It's hazelnut shaped hard candy with soft center. Kind of like a werthers or nips, but its ...

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I love my cousin but I'm afraid to tell her !!?

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How to tell a boy you like him in 5th grade?

I'm in 5th grade and I'm 11 years old and I really like this guy at my school i started liking him a while ago and ...

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