Can anyone tell me some quick ways to make money. Good or bad?

Answers (3)

We do not condone illegal ways to earn money.

Google that question and don't forget to list your age. There are big differences in what a 15 year old can do vs. a 25 year old.

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Get a fooking job

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It depends on your age and location and ability. Then it depends on what you mean by "make money". If you just want a job, any job, walk down the street and go into every door. You will have a job before the afternoon runs out, but it might not be a great job. You can make a nice living selling stock options, but you need a solid education in the business. You can get a lot of money selling illegal drugs, but the stability of the business is never certain (meaning you might get busted or killed at any moment). I walked through neighborhoods knocking on doors and offering to wash windows to get money. But the job that took me into retirement was driving limos. Not taxis: limos. At least in a limo all your customers are gainfully employed and speak English.

Bottom line: you need to get specific to get a meaningful answer.

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