Can foster parents take away my phone and don't let me eat for diner?

Answers (3)

well they aren't suppose to do that but then it also depends on what you did not to eat and have your phone taken away its not right at all what are you suppose to learn from this?in some cases it can be neglect have they ever hit you?what else have they done?

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As long as they aren't neglecting you, starving you or abusing you then yes and think about why they did that. If they have a good reason for needing to discipline you count your blessings that you landed two people that care enough about you to try to stop you from doing something wrong. If they thought you were a waste of time, they wouldn't waste they're time trying to teach you. most foster parents and actual parents couldn't care less because they dont care about the kid.

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Yes, they have the right to take away your phone, but they are not supposed to take your dinner away from you. But, if you're not being starved and this doesn't happen often, then they can do that.

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