Away Questions
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Should I go to UT Austin or Northeastern?
I’m from Texas, and Northeastern is giving me 78k in scholarship but it’s far away from home? Although I would still have to pay like 6k? ...
I have my grandfather law enforcement badge?
My grandfather passed away I have his law enforcement badge in my wallet can I carry it in my wallet
When is it appropriate to push someone away from you if you are feeling threatened?
My brother got up in my face earlier today because I refused to get him some more toilet paper and I pushed him away from me in self defense because ...
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Should I tell my crush How I feel before I move?
I'm moving thousands of miles away from my crush. I have liked him for 5 years now and he knew I liked him a long ...
Why do people still bother with science when religion is obviously right ?
Why do you not believe in God ? How can you even dream of getting away with that kind of ...
Behavior problems with my son?
My son doesn't listen to me, he yells insults at me, he says he hates his family, and he wants to run away, but he never does. I know ...
Does this girl at my school like me PLEASE HELP!!!?
Ok so this girl at my school that I have known 3 years probably thinks I'm weird! Before I moved away last year ...
Every living person on Earth has seen me but no one will ever see me again. WHAT AM i?
My name has 3letters.I am known all over the world. Take away 2letters, I still ...