Could we ever have a zombie appocalyps?

Answers (3)

No, because zombies no more exist than werewolves, vampies or the tooth fairy do.

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It is not possible to have a zombie apocalypse because of a variety of different reasons.
There are a species of fungi that grow on ants and take control of them. This species of fungi starts growing on the ant slowly. it bores through its head to the brain and causes the ant to go to find a place to die. After the ant dies the fungi takes control of the muscles of the ant and it can move around that way. The ants body works like normal however soon after the fungi loses control. It tries to stay next to other actual ants to switch to them once it loses control. There are speculations that this can change to humans but the risk is very minimal. If zombies followed the normal rules of zombies from stories then it could not be able to move. If someone died then their heart would not work. If their heart isnt working (pumping blood) then no air can be supplied to the muscles which means that the muscles cannot contract or relax. Therefore even if a zombie was made all they can do is stare up. This also means that air cannot be supplied to the brain which would have to be triggered to move the muscles. A zombie apocalypse as we know it from stories cannot happen. An ant zombie apocalypse could happen though..

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Never with the undead, I can't speak for what you might see in 28 Days Later or The Last of Us, but for sure not the undead. Because dead is dead, and viruses or infections or whatever need a living host.
However, you said specifically an "apocalypse" and "apocalypse" itself means a complete destruction of the world. Even if it were physically possible for 28 Days Later type zombies to exist, doesn't mean it'll result in an "apocalypse." So it's possible that your house would still be in working order with running water and internet activity, etc.

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Basically, you should ask more about the possibility of zombies and not so much of a "zombie apocalypse" because just because you prove the possibility of zombies, doesn't mean you've proven the concept of the "zombie apocalypse." Why make the jump if we haven't even reached the first phase yet?

I say it can because there will be a virus that we can't cure and then it will start