This morning I was taking care of my friend's pet cat with my other friend while he was in Arazona. Long story short, we screwed up and the alarm went berserk. We eventually had to call my friend and sort out the problem, and after a good half hour with the fear of the cops coming it was all cleared up. We left with his permission not to set the alarm for further mishaps.

Later on I went back to check on the cat again and had to drag my mom with me and have her open the door, despite the alarm not even being set. I felt so anxious in his house, which I had never felt like before, and got everything done as quickly yet tentatively as I could. I have never done this before.

Now, over 12 hours later, I'm trying to sleep but literally cannot get the sound of the alarms out of my head. The whole day I've been anxious with any form of alarm (Such as the dryer going off, the beeps that signal my house doors opening, oven timers, etc.), and actually fear opening doors. This even includes my bedroom door, bathroom doors, anything. It's ridiculous, I know, but I can't help it.

Tomorrow I have to head back over by myself and I don't think I can do it, even though my friend reassured me I didn't need to set the alarm and it was all fine. I just can't shake the utter fear I felt when the alarm went off, and I'm terrified to head back even though I know with certainty nothing will go wrong.

Does anyone know any way to help me out with this?