... and was offered a tablet as a loyalty gift. She accepted the gift which was sent wigh a sim cared that she can not use in the tablet as its the wrong size. She got a bill through this month sayoing she owed £97 for the line rental on the sim for the tablet. She hasnt had any use out of the sim because it doesnt fit, they sent the wrong size and ahe wasnt aware that she had to pay anything for the tablet. Now trying to set up a payment plan for her and it was arranged for £16 every month for 6 months. Then my mother finds that she can not use wifi on either her vodafone mobile or the tablet yet every other device kn her house works fjne so its not her broard band. How can vodafone block her wifi without blocking her mobile data as she can make calls still but no wifi on either phpne or tablet. When i called customer services today theysaid there was no record of the payment plan and that the least they will accept is £46 a month,??? For six month plan ??? How does that work out as she only owes £97? And now they are saying we can knly set a payment plan for both not just the tablet when the phone is already being paid for and has been si ce the sart of her contract. This has caused a lot of stress to my severly disabled mother