Hello all,

I am one of many with an HIV scare. I had unprotected sex with a complete stranger. I have been tested for std's and am good to go. However I am having extreme HIV anxiety. I had unprotected sex with this person (stupid)....and LATER (via text) asked if they were at risk for HIV. THis person claimed not to be (however I strongly distrust their knowledge). They said "i went to a clinic yesterday and got my results this morning" . This seems almost impossible to me. She has not answered anything after that, and her number is no longer in service. I am EXTREMELY paranoid. I will be testing soon (praying to God). However I have the worst sense that I am positive. My life will be destroyed.

Any speculation why she changed her number? I feel she may have just been annoyed with my 2-3 inquiries of her status, but I'm scared she is lying about her status. Opinions? I am terrified to death.