Sex Questions

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What do agnostics believe?

Do they believe in God and Heaven and sin and all that stuff? What about premarital sex? Do they pray? Why would someone go from religious to ...

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Can I get pregnant if I have sex two days before expected ovulation?

I am wanting to get pregnant, and I'm expected to ovulate this week. If I have unprotected sex two days before my expected ovulation, will I get ...

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Baby names for 2 girls?

I'm 16 and expecting TWINS-GIRLS! I am looking for many different names and thought I should start here. Thanks! -Gaia Elaine

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My girl friend is 22yrs ... she is still a virgin but I am not?

We have been into distance relationship for two years now I never make love to her, but I never ask for ...

50 answers | | Open

Would you have sex with a friends wife if she wanted to?

My friend's wife wanted me to have sex with her. After numerous rejections, on my part, his wife and my ex ...

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I had phone sex with a guy thats not my boyfriend and I feel horrible what should I do??

I met my boyfriend in DEC 2010 I have known him for almost 2yrs been together for ...

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