Hi, I'm a guy in the 6th grade and I have a crush on this girl. However, I barely know her and don't know what to do! Is there anything I can actually DO about my crush? I do NOT wish to ask her out just yet and I don't want to hear "You're too young"! She once said she liked me in the beginning of the school year but I don't think she really meant it. What do I do, or do I even do anything? By the way I'm NOT desperate I can be quite patient when it comes to this!
The School Dance was today and I finally got the nerve to ask her to slow dance.
Her reaction was that she quickly squatted down with her mouth wide open and then danced with me. Was that a GOOD reaction? Or does she absolutely hate me?
I also overheard that there was someone she REALLY liked(she was very excited!) but I didn't catch the name. What do I DO!!??