I am a female but I have both masculine and feminine traits. Would that make me androgynous?

Answers (2)

It's a tad murky, but I'd say a person referred to as androgynous might sound more akin to hermaphroditic, possessing both male & female reproductive organs, though it can take on that meaning as well. Depends on context.
Androgyny would be clearer applied as an adjective to a certain personal trait - an androgynous appearance / look, hairstyle, name etc.
Besides, who decides what sort of traits get to define a gender? You might want to take such thoughts with a grain of salt, and come to terms with the basic truths.

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A person's chromosomal makeup is XX (female) or XY (male). No matter what you may chose to do with them, you're born with sex organs that correspond to that chromosomal makeup. If you were born a female - then you're a female. Your traits have NOTHING to so with your chromosomal makeup.

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