I just found out that my girlfriend is my second cousin. Is it wrong??

Responses (4)

It means they are the child, of the child, of your grandfather/mother's brother or sister. Or, put better, you both share an set of great grand parents. Genetically, you could share up to 25% of each others DNA, but its unlikely to be that high. Is it Wrong is pretty open ended here... Legally? depends on where you live, check local laws. Morally? what do you believe in? Genetically? it will increase the risk of complications with children, but at 3 generations apart, I can't imagine it would be too much. I did some quick research and I couldn't find any hard numbers for you on the genetics side, but that should be something you look into after you do some soul searching. good luck to ya.

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History is full of people who married their cousins and had no detectable problem ever. In Egypt the king usually married a sister or half sister to keep the throne in the family, and after a few thousand years of that, the kings began to look a bit strange. But among cousins there is no such problem, and dating doesn't even count.

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i am sure that if you both get married it will affect on you future child whether physically or mentally.

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Second cousin maybe wasn't the right word. But her mom is my dads cousin basically

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