I'M 16 and I want to get taller. I'm 5'7 and I'm very healthy and fit. How can I get taller?

Answers (8)

you cant make yourself get taller, if you're healthy and fit then theres nothing else you can do, just keep eating healthily and keep fit thats the best you can do

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Men usually stop growing at the age of 18-20
If both sides of your family are short....odds are you're going to be short
Get plenty of sleep like 8.5-11 hours
I think people should avoid coffee if they want to grow
Get plenty of vitamin C in you immune system ( found in grapefruits, oranges, lemons just types of citrus fruits)
In order to grow you need lots of protein( meats, eggs etc)
Practice good posture----Instead of slouching, sit-up straight when your on chairs.
Practice shoulder back, and chin up.
If your from a tall family, and your not growing by your mid- teens then it's a good idea to go to doctor?
Being 5'7 isn't bad .......but then again my bf is younger than you and he's 5'9

Hope this helps!!

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do cycling and skiping

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How would this work?

1.) Cobra. The first thing you have to do is to lie on the floor while face facing down. Place your palms on the floor under your shoulder. Arch your spine up and raise your chin.
2.) The Bow Down. Stand up and place your hands on your hips. Bend as far as possible. It is important to keep your knees and leg straight while bending.
3.) The Super Stretch. Stand up and raise your hands as high as possible while you slightly lean your back. This can be done by standing up or lying down.

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don't worry about your height man... i'm 16 and 5'5.. i should worry.. also my both parents are short so it shouldn't surprise me

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You can still grow taller provided you add a balanced diet, exercise and have enough sleep. I saw a blog from waysgrowtallerfaster.com that even if you actually reach 21 the so-called checkpoint of of growth spurts you can still add a few inches to your height as long as you keep your lifestyle healthy.

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do a lot of stretching this will help immensely stretch as far as you can this will help

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You still have some time to grow but your height is definitely determined by genetics. I've tried everything under the sun to no positive results. I'm using height insoles and shoe lifts now. I get mine from www.addheight.com

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