I don't know where to begin. It just feels like everything is wrong right now. This girl stole my best friend and changed her into someone who I don't even know anymore. She's kind of mean to me but we were really close friends before she made new friends. We barely even talk anymore; I wouldnt even consider us friends. So that leaves me two best friends. My best friends have friends who I don't really talk to that much and I feel kind awkward and left out when there are parties and theyre all talking together. I guess I just want to be friends with all of those people and especially that best friend who left me again.
And then there's volleyball. Volleyball is probably the root of the problem. You see, there re two teams at my school, the A team and the B team. I'm pretty sure you can guess what team I'm on. But anyways, my mom is the coach for my team, and shes not very experienced. She had to step up because nobody else would coach. And the A team has this lady who knows everything there is to know about volleyball. Sometimes I feel like a loser who doesn't know anything because my mom doesnt really teach us a lot of stuff. And then there's the best friend situation. Last year, my "best friend" (the one who left me, let's call her Racheal) was on the B team with me. Our team was terrible. And not to be mean, but Racheal wasn't really that great either. And then, she started hanging out with new people because we were in separate classes. Those people happened to be the star players on the A team. I knew Racheal wanted to he really good at volleyball, so she joined the same club team as the star players, now her new best friends. She's really good, and she knows it, and so of course this year she made the A team. When she found out she was jumping up and down. I tried to look happy for her, but on the outside it hurt. But right now, what really hurts is that, one of my close friends now is still good friends with Racheal. There's just too much going on and I can't take it anymore. And to top it all off, I have anxiety issues too. Please help me, and sorry it's so long, there's just a lot going on in my life right now.