I have Section 8 Housing in Indiana. There is a contract between Section 8 and the landlord and then landlord and myself. I know as part of my contract if small things go wrong in the home I have to fix them which is what brings me to my question. I came home one day and my neighbor who mows my yard left a letter on my door letting me know he seen a water leak on the side of my house so he shut the water off. I advised my landlord and he said he fixed it. A couple days later my faucet busts in my bathroom, water is spraying everywhere so I go to turn the water off and notice another water leak, it was forming a pool of water under the home. Again I notify the landlord and he states he will send someone out to fix the faucet and the leak, he asked if anyone would be home to fix it I said no because I was going to be away for a week to help a friend whose scheduled changed and had no sitter. Anyway I come home a week later, my kids are playing outside and said they heard water running. I checked and the same leak that my landlord said he would have fixed, it was leaking very badly. ( example if you had a hose and put your finger over it a spit to spray it, it was like that) It was never fixed, turns out they only fixed the faucet not the leak. Again I tell my landlord that its leaking and it needs to be fixed. I get my water bill this past weekend and its $475!! So my question is, since the contract between him and section 8 states that he has to fix things within 2 weeks and he didn't, is he partially responsible for the bill? I do plan on contacting the water company and setting up a payment plan in the mean time, I'm calling section 8 to advise them of the situation but I'm not too sure if there is anything anyone can do.