Rank: Junior · 110 points · 20 answers
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I may be a teenage girl (I was born on January 12, 1999), but I like vintage culture from the 1930's-1990's (VHS tapes, classic rock music, retro... read more
I may be a teenage girl (I was born on January 12, 1999), but I like vintage culture from the 1930's-1990's (VHS tapes, classic rock music, retro home decor, classic movies and TV shows, kids fashion from the 1990's and earlier, vinyl records, face-to-face socialization as opposed to social media, etc.). I also like standing up for men and boys, who nowadays have it worse than women and girls due to over-feminism, accepted misandry, and new double standards. One thing I do hate is the climate where I live (we get nice weather between the late fall and early spring, but get scolding, sweltering weather the rest of the year). I get upset easily, so try to be as easy on me as possible-meaning no negative answers on my questions. Otherwise, I will post negative answers on your questions.
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missygurl joined Question.com 3,221 days ago (20 March 2016).
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- 20 answers (averaging 0.0 answers a week), 0 helpful answers,
- 9 votes on the answers of other members (8 thumbs up, 1 thumbs down).
- Asked 6 questions and received 4 stars on those questions.
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