
Rank: Junior · 162 points · 32 answers

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12 Jul doomandgloom876 is now a fan of PInk_Sunset
14 May PInk_Sunset added SmakRabit as a friend
14 May PInk_Sunset added Pyromaniac as a friend
6 May PInk_Sunset added Jarrettstrand as a friend
6 May PInk_Sunset answered How to be popular in just 3 simple ...
6 May PInk_Sunset added kangaroo as a friend
6 May PInk_Sunset added sstella12 as a friend
6 May PInk_Sunset added Milander as a friend
6 May PInk_Sunset added Jewels Vern as a friend
6 May PInk_Sunset added JERRYqu as a friend
23 Apr PInk_Sunset answered There is this boy in my class, and ...
23 Apr PInk_Sunset added OwlyLola as a friend
15 Apr PInk_Sunset answered How can I become more popular?
15 Apr PInk_Sunset answered How to tell a boy you like him in ...
15 Apr PInk_Sunset answered Why can't I love?
15 Apr PInk_Sunset answered Baby names for 2 girls?
15 Apr PInk_Sunset answered What is the name of the person you ...
15 Apr PInk_Sunset answered How I do I get my crush to like me?
15 Apr PInk_Sunset added Yoursumit as a friend
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered I love my cousin and my crush at ...
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered Help I dunno what to do with my ...
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered Does Skyler love me?
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered Is this ok?
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered I want to eat my friend after they ...
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered How to answer have you ever fallen ...
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered Which name do you prefer better: ...
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered Do you believe in love?
3 Apr PInk_Sunset answered What is the name of the person you ...
3 Apr PInk_Sunset subscribed to the topic Sad
3 Apr PInk_Sunset subscribed to the topic Old