Religion should not be mixed with politics?

Answers (6)

Religion should REPLACE politics. Things would get done and people would be a lot happier. To many athiests in poweful positions are ruiing the planet. 1 athiest is 1 to many ! the truth is in front of them yet they are dleuded into thinking they know better. more fool them come judgement day in dec.21st 2012 :( i pray for there souls but i know they could care less. they are bigger fools then they think we are. You are right tho, religion should not be mixed with politics it should REPLACE politics !

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America was founded by & for Bible principals & things were fine until Bible truths began to be ignored.Sit back ,look & consider: things go smooth when done within Bible teachings but end up a troubled mess when otherwise whether you believe in God or not Bible principals really work best.

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the goverment made it like that

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Yes it should not, but as a matter of fact it has been predicted in the Revelations book in the Bible as part of the "Last Days" as predicted by Apostle John (John 12:48)

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I totally agree! Seriously, not everyone believes the same thing so why force them to, right? Also, good luck with the crazy people. It's a jungle out there...

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If your religious belief is from the Bible's standpoint, as you read the many accounts of the Bible, you will see that politics and religion did not fair well in God's eyes. Now in the Bible there were many who were kings, but those kings that were was kings of the nation of Israel, which was God's chosen people, where chosen or appointed by God. They were held with the responsibility of keeping God's law alive within the people of the nation. If those kings heart condition changed and they stopped doing what was acceptable to God, they were rejected by God and many times the nation was overtaken by another nation as a lesson that they did not have God's backing. So look at our political scene today and what they stand for. Non of them are being leaders with the agenda of supporting God's kingdom, in fact they seem to want nothing to do with God or His kingdom. They have not compromised for peace with other nations unless it will give them political gain, and they thrive on greed and power. When we look in the Bible at God's purpose for the earth and look at the leaders of the nations can we really see those leaders working in harmony with God's will? Remember at John 6: 14, 15 when the people and religious leaders in Jesus' day heard him speaking and performing many signs they came to try to make Him king, but what did Jesus do, he fled because he knew that His father's kingdom was no part of this system of things. As we dig deeper in God's word the Bible, we will be able to clearly see that God's will has nothing to do with the will of the political leaders. The only kings or president we should look to is our heavenly creator, Jehovah God.

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