Ok so, my dad recently got me Gorillaz concert tickets, and they are my FAVORITE band, like I have never been more excited about something, except to be honest, I feel weird going with him. Last time we went to a concert together, we went to Panic! At The Disco, and I just felt awkward the whole time because I wanted to dance and sing along but my dad was next to me the whole time just standing there. I love my dad but he's really anti-social and doesn't talk much. Needless to say, I didn't have as much fun. I really want to have fun at this concert because I love gorillaz so much, but I don't want a repeat of P!ATD....but my Dad does like Twenty One Pilots more and he was talking about getting tickets too, so I thought me and him would go to that...but I still feel bad and don't know what to do. My step dad was telling that it was rude to go with someone else to the concert and I would feel bad but this is Gorillaz and I just want to have fun. I'm spending thw whole summer with him and we are even going to New York, so it's not like this is the only time I will see him. IDK PLS HELP