I have been bullied by the onsite supervisors including being embarrassed in front of other co-workers I am dyslexic I have asked the employer for help with this as the supervisor challenged me on my handwriting in front of other co-workers knowing that its an embarrassing subject for me .
as a regular night worker I have asked for a medical which the never answered.
I have had constant overbearing supervisor even tho in the clients works I'm one of the most capable employees on site.
I am currently suspended and I have been for a month I had an investigation and I have still been given no reason for the suspension and no evidence has been provided.
I have took numerous health and safety and data protection breaches to my mangers and they have again been ignored which caused a guard to be injured.
I have had one of the supervisors approach a friend outside of work and discuss my suspension .I was forced to train a guard that had worked on site for over a year as the supervisors hadn't done an adequate job evan after I said I didn't feel comfortable with the responsibility to my area manager.
Ive been pressured into doing overtime causing me to do 300 hours a month on more then one occasion .ive had confidential file notes left on the desk for staff to read.the supervisor text me by accidents with a joke at my expense.
ive been forced to sign documents Evan though I stated that what they asked me to sign would be a breach of health and safety but I was threatened with my job.
I logged a grievance for bulling and harassment with hr and it was never followed up.,
this has been ongoing a long time and there is more and more the list goes on .

I am now struggling with stress and have been for several months ive had chest pains , stomach upsets , dark thoughts , panic attacks , insomnia , weight loss, loss of trust and withdrawal from people, being easily irritated and moody, frequent colds, Nervousness and shaking, ringing in the ear , aches and pains all over , grinding my teeth in my sleep (according to my partner) , difficulty relaxing and loss of desire/concentration to do things I used to enjoy eg ps4.

my question is would I be able to seek compensation for the lack of support I have received. if so how would be the best way to go about this?