Describe the Cold War dilemma that Third World nations faced.
How did the superpowers affect the economies of developing nations?
How did the Cold War affect relations between the United States and Guatemala, Cuba, and Chile?
How would you characterize the states of Guatemala, Cuba, and Chile now?
How did French colonial rule affect Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos in the years before independence?
How did the Cold War play a role in the decision of the United States to intervene in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos?
How did the results of this intervention affect these nations over the long term?
How would you characterize the states of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos now?
How did ethnic tensions lead to instability in Nigeria?
How did Nigeria benefit from oil? How did oil cause harm in Nigeria?
How did the policy of apartheid affect most South Africans?
How did the South African government finally decide to end apartheid?
How would you characterize the states of Nigeria and South Africa now?