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What is the recovery process after retinal detachment surgery?

Recovery involves following post-operative care instructions, including the use of prescribed eye drops, avoiding strenuous activities, and attending ...

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I am 54 yrs old and my wife 49 now and her period is stopped for the last 2yrs.I am very much active

... in sex activities but my wife's interest is zero .What can ...

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What are some activities to do at my 11th birthday party?

I have no money and don't know what to do. It's all girls and the party is for 4 hours.

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How do you get stepkids to like you?

I don't like kid's activities. I hate cartoons and I hate how nonsensical their conversations are and we end up arguing ...

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How have Jehovah's Witnesses benefited the communities that they teach and preach in?

Many mainstream religions hold food drives, offer free clothing, build hospitals and ...

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Google- I'm writing an essay about extracurricular activities and if it should be banned or not.?

... What's your opinion on banning extracurricular activities?

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