Activity Questions

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How does freezing preserve food?

Freezing preserves food by slowing down the activity of microorganisms and enzymes that cause spoilage. It also reduces the water activity in food, ...

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How do you politely refuse service to customers that smell like marijuana?

I work at a place where you can do an activity but cannot be intoxicated in any way due to saftey concerns. What is the polite way to acknowledge ...

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Hello, with straight talk They can terminate due to unlawful activity. So what is unlawful activity?

They can terminate service after 60 gb due to unlawful activity. So what is unlawful activity?

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Illegal drug activity, drug abuse and gambling continue to present challenges to law enforcement?

Illegal drug activity, drug abuse and gambling continue to present ...

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Instagram - Why Can't I see someones activity even though Im a accepted Follower?

It used to appear on the following section the people that my friend started to follow, ...

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Rob can't find much time to exercise, but he knows he has to do some activity to keep his heart?

... healthy. Which of the following is most likely to benefit him, if he ...

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What is the meaning of euedaphic?

'...species react to wet, mild winters with increased activity, and can relocate to the soil surface, including euedaphic species ...

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How do I stop Google from forcing me to change my account's password?

Google keeps on trying to force my account to change it's password because of 'suspicious ...

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