Ankle Questions
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Podiatry question?
I'm a 67 year old flat footed male whose ankles are slightly pronated bilaterally. I have a lot of trouble walking without chronic pain. Last ...
Help help help?
Hello, I have a lump above my ankle bone and it's been there for quite some time. It's been there for around 11 months and I had a X-ray ...
Popular Questions
How come when I wash dishes, my legs/ankles start to itch? No redness or paint, just itching?
It never really happens to me other than washing dishes, i'm not ...
I got a horrible ankle injury yesterday. Is it broken or sprained?
Okay so I was basketball and I was going for a crossover, and somebody tripped me, and then I fell ...
How to purposely twist your ankle? (answer as fast as possible!!!!) (oh and painless as possible)?
Plz if u can give suggestions that r as painless as possible don't ...
What does it mean when somebody wears a blue band on an ankle?
I saw a class mate wearing a blue band on an ankle and i'm curious about it as this guy is of my ...
How do I stop pain distracting me from school work?
I get bad joint pain especially in my ankles due to hypermobility and I always get distracted in class when the pain ...