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What is Truth?

I know there are different answers to this question, but what I am really asking is what is your truth?

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Would eating Spaghetti-o’s be considered a “healthy meal”?

Would a can of Campbell’s Spaghetti-o’s be considered a healthy meal? I’m asking because a friend of mine are a can of ...

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What questions should I ask the breeder during my visit?

Asking the right questions when visiting a breeder is crucial! Here are a few must-ask questions to help you make an informed decision: Health ...

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How do you know if a religion is wrong or right, or what you have been taught is right ? help?

my family has a religion (christianity) and i dont know if its wrong or ...

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On job applications they ask when r u available the options r days/evenings does days mean morings?

On a job application they ask when are u available the options are ...

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What religion are you, and why did you choose that over others?

I don't mean to sound too personal by asking this question, as I know it is a touchy subject for ...

15 answers | 1 star | Open

How can I earn money online ?

I have searched so many sites and all were asking for a premium membership. I just want a trusted and free site that help me to make money ...

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I'm 27 years old and soon to be married. I'm finding more and more people are now asking me when I'm

... having kids. In all honesty I'm so very happy happy for all ...

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