Backup Questions

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How can I permanently delete my WhatsApp chat history on iPhone?

I have already cleared all chat histories and have made a backup several times to overwrite the old backup. Is that enough?

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Which cloud service is best to store my data backup? How safe are data in these cloud services?

Dropbox, skydrive, box or any other? Which is the best and safest cloud ...

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Instagram disabled my accounts and it's ruining my life?

Instagram disabled my main account with 100k and my backup with 3. 3k I haven’t violated their terms 100% ...

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What's the answer to this question?

A _______ backup is a data protection and recovery method from a minimal configuration. By booting from a CD you can restore to ...

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Laptop Hard drive restoring?

Hi, my laptop got a smart hard drive failure, I'm going to get it replaced, I backup my old one before it broke on an external hard ...

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