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Girlfriends 18th birthday present, what gift for this?

My girlfriend is turning 18 soon and i know it means a lot to her. She tells me not to buy her anything but im ...

14 answers | | Open

My friend is annoying and I don't want to invite her to my birthday?

I'm having a birthday party soon and I'm inviting 2 of my friends. She asked me if I was ...

5 answers | | Open

Love - U and me walking on the road at 12 (midnight). Suddenly you're getting a beep sound in ur?

... phone and it shows that its my birthday .what gift u will give me ...

3 answers | 1 star | Open

I have a low budget, but want to purchase jewelry item for my wife on her birthday?

I have a low budget, but want to purchase jewelry item for my wife on her birthday. ...

10 answers | | Open

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